Scenes From Ravenna to San Marino

1 Posted by - August 7, 2014 - Bike Tour, Italy, Sights, Travel

20140729-IMG_0269Seeking shelter from the rain.


20140801-DSC_9995Inside these monuments and churches are beautiful mosaics.

 20140801-DSC_9989 20140801-DSC_0002 20140730-IMG_0294The nicest-looking, side-of-the-road wild blackberries I've ever seen.

 20140729-IMG_0270Asleep on the job.

 20140730-IMG_0276Dinner with a view of the Adriatic Sea.

 20140730-IMG_0287  20140801-IMG_0335 20140801-IMG_0341 20140801-IMG_0358 20140802-DSC_0015We climbed to the very top of the Republic of San Marino, the fifth smallest country in the world.

 20140802-DSC_0017Founded in 301 A.D., the country is surrounded by Italy on all sides.

 20140802-DSC_0028 It's one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

20140802-DSC_0036 The Guaita Castle watches over San Marino.

 20140802-IMG_0369Not in San Marino anymore.



  • The Lazy Biker August 8, 2014 - 3:39 am Reply

    The last epic rap battle was between Skee Lo and deadeye Dick

  • Tory August 8, 2014 - 3:04 pm Reply

    Loving all the cat-friends you guys are making! Tyrannosaurus sends his best.

    Beth, the blog is wonderful – you’re so gifted in so many ways I could hate you if I didn’t love you so much!

    • b_puliti August 14, 2014 - 10:07 am Reply

      You are just the sweetest. Thank you for making my day. Hugs to the four of you. We miss you! xo

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