Outtakes & Observations: Italy

2 Posted by - September 8, 2014 - Bike Tour, Italy, Travel
1. Food grows everywhere... 20140808-food1 (1) from front lawn tomatoes and side-of-the-road blackberries... 20140816-DSC_0739 ...to farm-fresh cantaloupe and olive tree-lined streets. 2. There's no evidence of human tampering in whole fruits and vegetables.

20140808-food1 (9) {Hey, fellow Americans! Remember when watermelon had seeds?}

3. We perfected the art of eating inexpensively in Italy, through... 20140808-food1 (5) homemade meals... 20140816-DSC_0743 ...and lots of picnics!

20140817-DSC_0963 {Table for two, please!}

4. Italian breakfast is much like American dessert. Cappuccino with cake, cookies or a croissant is typical.

20140805-IMG_0377 {Justin adapted well to Italian cuisine.}

5. Wine is good. And cheap. We drank a lot of it. 6. Italian residential trash cans are about a fifth of the size of American trash cans. There's also plastic/paper/glass recycling and curbside compost pick-up. 7. Reusable shopping bags are mandatory. Food stores don't even offer the option of plastic bags. Brilliant. 8. It rained. When It Rains... from Beth Puliti on Vimeo. A lot. ...It Pours! from Beth Puliti on Vimeo. 9. Cars drive FAST. Motorcycles pass on blind turns all day long. 10. We learned some fancy mobile moves of our own. Making The Pass from Beth Puliti on Vimeo. 11. The gate came down at railroad crossings a full five minutes or so before the train actually came. By the time it opened back up, we were in the company of loads of other two-wheeled bikes. 20140818-IMG_0479 12. We had our first encounter with one of these. 20140801-IMG_0316 13. We found safe, drinkable water everywhere.

20140813-DSC_0540 {In a whole month, we never bought water once.}

14. What's with all the gates? Houses, stores, restaurants...it seemed like everyone was trying to keep us out!


  • Richard September 8, 2014 - 11:19 pm Reply

    Wow you guys are making everyday look like paradise!

    • b_puliti September 9, 2014 - 10:32 pm Reply

      Does the photo of the squatty potty have you guys packing your bags to join us yet? 😉

  • Margo Levin September 18, 2014 - 11:51 pm Reply

    Do you sit or stand on that squatty potty?

    • b_puliti September 19, 2014 - 8:19 am Reply

      Confession: I actually chickened out and went in the woods! However, we’ve come across quite a few ever since, and let’s just say it’s a good thing we’re building our leg muscles up, because the protocol really is to “squat.” Haha!

      • The Lazy Biker September 25, 2014 - 11:58 pm Reply

        u lay down

  • Alex September 22, 2014 - 11:21 pm Reply

    At least the squatter had TP

  • The Lazy Biker September 25, 2014 - 11:59 pm Reply

    We perfected the art of eating inexpensively in Italy
    and in every other country or state youve been in

    • b_puliti October 2, 2014 - 7:04 am Reply

      We ate like kings in Albania! 😉

  • The Lazy Biker September 26, 2014 - 12:02 am Reply

    sue and i were in kitty hawk last week
    saw jarrett and lisa
    we parked motorhome 49 steps from beach
    we rode our 32″ wheel size bikes around……slow but around
    ginny is back to her old self

    • b_puliti October 2, 2014 - 6:58 am Reply

      That sounds just about perfect.

  • The Lazy Biker September 26, 2014 - 12:34 am Reply

    hey can u give justin the camera so he can take pictures of you
    im tired of the bloody grimace

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