Food: More Than Fuel – Bicycle Times #34

0 Posted by - April 14, 2015 - Bike Tour, Images, Pedal, Words
BicycleTimes 34_C1image-0001                   In this issue's Globetrotting column, Food: More Than Fuel:
It's our second day in Turkey and gale force headwinds have us moving at a snail's pace exerting an elephant's effort. Our faces are chapped, our eyes teary, our quads burn and our stomachs beg for nourishment. Food. Forget immersing yourself in foreign culture. Forget meeting new people. Here's what they don't tell you about bike touring--when it comes down to it, it's all about the food.


  • The lazy biker April 15, 2015 - 3:21 am Reply

    Really great read on food and fuel
    Your metabolisms are so high you probably can’t eat enough if you tried
    What is the Instagram link for more pics ?
    No link for more words?

    • b_puliti April 26, 2015 - 10:33 am Reply

      Thanks so much! Seems like we are always hungry. Fortunately Snickers bars have infiltrated every market in the world. More pics: @bethpuliti on Instagram. More words: Coming soon in various publications. Stay tuned!

  • @KentonaBike April 24, 2015 - 12:27 pm Reply

    Just read your piece in May 15 Bicycle Times. Has your eating everywhere in SE Asia ever led to any food borne illnesses? Either short term or long term? Thanks.

    • b_puliti April 26, 2015 - 7:49 am Reply

      Hi @KentonaBike! No food borne illnesses in SE Asia to report, though I have no idea how. The “cleanliness” of some of the “kitchens” was appalling. I thought for sure we’d have issues. We did, however, get sick from tap water in Albania and most recently from food in Kyrgyzstan.

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