Why We Do What We Do – Bicycle Times #43

0 Posted by - October 19, 2018 - Words

An excerpt from this issue’s Globetrotting column, Why We Do What We Do:

We’d rather experience a little discomfort than miss interacting with a culture that has been unseen for 50 years. We’d rather endure a climb in stupid hot weather than sit out the spectacular view and sweet descent waiting for us at the top. We know the pain won’t last forever. We also know it makes the pleasurable moments that much more enjoyable. In our temporary moments of agony, we feel our hearts beating and our lungs working. And that suffering, it makes us feel alive.

1 Comment

  • Kurtiss August 24, 2019 - 4:30 pm Reply

    Hey I heard from you more when you lived in Vietnam
    The Lazy Biker

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