(Norasida and I become instant Facebook friends.)
(Bak believes the best singer in the world is Lionel Richie.)

(Bathing man, bottom left corner.)

(If only we weren’t traveling by bike…)

The next day, our route is temporarily thrown off by a mudslide that occurred overnight due to all the rain.
(Farmers let us cut through their greenhouse.)

Our stop arrives at 8:30 a.m. after a fitful night’s sleep on the loud train, and we make our way by bike from Khuan Don to the Thai border. Our last breakfast in the country is roti canai a roadside stand. It’s delicious and comes with a friendly conversation with the owner of the stand, who lives in Australia and is visiting for the month.
("I teach..." he hesitates, "Islam. Usually people are scared when I say that.")
Awesome,my kind of place. Travel Well Uncle Al
Thanks, Uncle Al! Haven’t heard from you in a while. Hope you’re doing great! You would have loved Thailand, too I bet. Stay tuned! 🙂
G’day mate
Hello from the land up above
Seems like a lot of train riding for a bike trek. 😉